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Location: India

Love to have fun (well who doesn't)! I am little bit of a party animal, but wouldn't mind spending an evening reading a book or just watching the tv. I do tend to talk a lot but sometimes i plain switch off and brood...still dont know what about. I love dogs!! I have one of my own and he is the best gift I gave myself.


Friday, February 10, 2006

Life! It has its moments…

Over the week…

Went for Harry Potter again, a friend had not seen the movie. I had a nice juicy burger (not to mention the calories within) at galloping gooseberry. Saturday was quite hectic, shopping with a pal, the movie, and library and of course playing around in the hostel at night.

I finally did see RDB and I was really disappointed. I guess you need to read what nothings aplenty had to say about it. I really liked the character of ‘sukhi’. My phone bill has come and I am proud to say it did not cross the thousand mark. Wait till dad hears this, he will be so proud of me. I am quite surprised actually coz the bill is quite low, I aint complaining. Never look a gift horse in the mouth and all that.

I went shopping and I spent a huge amount in Fab India. Well couldn’t help it. The shop was in the way. Had gone to book tickets for RDB in the morning and while I was walking back, I saw the shop. It was inevitable *shakes head*. It was calling to me you see. Well my hostel mate did give me this “here we go again” look when I dragged her into the shop. But she made me buy the stuff; I wasn’t even planning to buy. I ended up buying this beautiful skirt that my lovely hostel mates call “the banjara skirt” and a neat top to go with it. I wasn’t even planning on buying the top, honestly but it just happened. Now I am wondering how dad is going to take it when he sees my account details. *Sigh*

Maybe snowy will rip the statement before dada gets it…or maybe not. Ok next month no shopping. I will be a good girl and stop this shopping spree I am on. God please help me! Pretty please! I need suggestions to buy a real neat gift for a friend of mine. I have been slightly mean and rude to him. So please suggest something nice…ummm but I am lil low on the …ahem …right now so I would really be grateful if you keep in mind the… ahem you know…when you suggest something. :P

This week has been the longest most torturous week ever! I never want to see this kind of week ever again! Lately got into this thing of bugging or simply put, driving people up the wall. Some people actually think I have a nasty temper and I loose my cool real quick! Awww, nahh I don’t really and all the yelling is just plain fun. ;)

Anyways the weekend is here (finally)!


Blogger Accidental Fame Junkie said...

Who says you have a nasty temper? Well, they have me to contend with!

Btw, the skirt and top were VERY nice and ethnic! I loved it!

5:05 PM  
Blogger Known Stranger said...

that theather screeen is amzing was that you took it. hmm...

5:19 PM  
Blogger Ar Ar Ar Arrrrr said...

I really liked the character of ‘sukhi’. My phone bill has come
I didnt get the connection b/w u liking 'sukhi' and your tel times you make me think hard on weekends...


5:40 PM  
Blogger Ar Ar Ar Arrrrr said...

Maybe snowy will rip the statement before dada gets it…or maybe not.
Yeah, hoping for the same...he turns in to a shaitaan doggy and rips the statement...thus saving you :)

YUP...YUP...the weekend is finally here..

Me leaving for HYD tonight...and Im pretty exicted about it :)

Have a nice weekend ahead Ramblings..
TAke care and enjoy!!

6:09 PM  
Blogger Ashish said...

"Lately got into this thing of bugging or simply put, driving people up the wall." - - Reaaaahly , YOU DON'T SAY !!! :p

6:13 PM  
Blogger Vamsee said...

Fab India is a very good store...Last time i was in HYD i hogged on their stuff, shopping never ends for us. *period* ;)

1:58 AM  
Blogger anup.777 said...

yeah! enjoy ur weekend! ... :)

as for the 'ahem-budgeted' gift for ur friend ...

I suggest u be extra nice to him, talk to him, and give him one of the many small things that he likes

(everyone has a list of certain things that they are fond of ... that aren't too hard on the purse, but will definitely bring a smile)

12:47 PM  
Blogger Sudarshan said...

Hehe didn't love RDB..finally got someone who agrees with my opinion!! Honestly, I think it sucked..all the reviewers have been paid lol..its a no good movie..I wanted to walk away midway!!Wonderful to know you're a shopping freak..I belong to the club too..sometimes I just duno where to stop!!I spend hours shopping..12 hours being the record for total time spent in a mall, non-stop:-) Have a great weekend

3:12 PM  
Blogger Naveen said...

Hope you had a great weekend!

Some people actually think I have a nasty temper and I loose my cool real quick! - from your previous posts, I dont see that you have a nasty temper..:)

Have a great week ahead!!

7:01 AM  
Blogger My Ramblings... said...

You are the sweetest. :D
Thanku, I knew you would like it for sure. :)

known stranger,
Hah! ;)

I tend to jump from one topic to another. I do that even when I talk, rite in the middle of some discussion i would ramble off to somethin else. :D
Have fun at Hyd!


Oh so true! :)

Real nice idea, thanks. I think I will go ahead and do just that. :)

12 hours?Yikes you didnt drop? The max I have gone upto is five hours and after that I am a dead duck!

Awww, nice of you to say that. All those specimens out there who think I have temper, listen to him!:D

9:49 AM  
Blogger rebel_on_loose said...

Ummm maybe u can get him sumthing from FabIndia itself!

2:33 PM  
Blogger My Ramblings... said...

Hmmm...well I can but he does not like that place. Hmmmm

11:21 AM  

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