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Location: India

Love to have fun (well who doesn't)! I am little bit of a party animal, but wouldn't mind spending an evening reading a book or just watching the tv. I do tend to talk a lot but sometimes i plain switch off and brood...still dont know what about. I love dogs!! I have one of my own and he is the best gift I gave myself.


Monday, April 10, 2006

Creepy Stuff!

So here I was reading Calvin and Hobbes late in the night… happy and content under my mosquito net. Now once I get into the net I hate crawling out…and my roommate knows that!
Suddenly she jumps out of her bed and scrambles to mine. She is making these funny sounds all the while looking at her side of the mosquito net. First thought…she had a bad dream...but she wasn't sleeping. Second thought…jezz I am sure it’s some big ugly bug…but when I turned to see what it was, ta da…it was this tiny little lizard…outside her mosquito net!

Sigh… I told her fine I will go and shoo it away. She didn’t want me to get out of the mosquito net…something about the lizard coming in…yes that’s right…you are this big fly and the lizard is waiting to gobble you up!! I crawled out of the net and shooed it away. Had to tuck my net all over again and finally settled down to read.

Ten minutes go by…the lizard pays a visit and this time Ms. smarty pants rips open my net jumps on my bed, literally pushing me out and letting all those blood sucking jets inside…thanks buddy! Shooed it away again…and while I was lecturing her about the difference between yelling for a creepy roach and a harmless lizard…someone knocks on the door. Now it’s like one something in the morning and the sudden knock made her scream…she screamed and I screamed. Yes, very dumb I know!

It was Prey…she had heard my roomie scream and when she came down to check on us… we both screamed and she kinda got worried. Thank god ‘she’ didn’t scream or the warden would have come running. She had a nice laugh at our expense…

It’s nice to have a roommate who can’t stand lizards. So when it comes to lizards I help her out and when it comes to bugs she comes to my rescue. Don’t know what we would do if a spider comes visiting though… the last time we saw big spider both of us climbed on the table and yelled the place down.


Blogger rebel_on_loose said... tht's another mystery i've never been able to solve...y do all females start hollering at the sight of a bug! Funny i tell u...

3:00 PM  
Blogger Abhishek said...

i hate lizards...
(doesnt mean that sum1 likes those))

4:17 PM  
Blogger bigfatdeal said...

was all this just a ploy to show off the Calvin and Hobbes?

9:08 AM  
Blogger My Ramblings... said...

Ya rite! :P

Well...thank god I aint scared of them... :)

Well I never mentioned how much I got it for, now did I??? :P
You are just jealous...oldie goldie! :D

10:24 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

wow... scary movie 5 ;)
N wot's this secret behind using pics which are mostly computer generated graphics or drawings in ur posts? It's a kinda mystery for me...

3:07 PM  
Blogger My Ramblings... said...

Scary movie 5?? thinks not.
And the pics...I just like them. :)

10:06 AM  
Blogger Naveen said...

Cockroaches and lizards?? you live in amazon ?? :)

6:24 AM  
Blogger Ar Ar Ar Arrrrr said...

Was there a post previously on lizards too kya on this blog??

I call ma lizard in ma pune apt as Liz..her face is kinda cute...reminds me of liz hurley...dont ask me why...and dont u dare laugh on this...coz it will be a huge insult on ma pet liz ;)

9:03 AM  
Blogger San said...

oh i'm so glad we don't have those problems .. the idea of sharing my space with lizards *san shrieks*

1:24 PM  
Blogger Anck su Namun said...

Thats funny ;-)
Sometimes at night the cockaroach would fly and the lizard would gobble it up.
Once the lizard lost control and fell "thud" on the ground. Well not on me :-)

6:17 PM  
Blogger Sudarshan said...

Haha...that's a funny experience lol..Of Lizards and Mosquito Nets :-) Like you, I don't like getting outta my bed when the net's tucked in lol..but sometimes I have to..chiefly because the bed ain't under the fan lol. Funny post...very nicely written :-) Enjoy your weekend!!

10:51 PM  
Blogger Rita said...

Yikes! The sight of a lizard gives me creepy feeling. Ugh! I don't have them in mjy house, but life in hostels was definitely troblesome! :)

11:31 PM  
Blogger Shikha said...

I hate lizards..those things look like they've never had a bath in their lives

11:34 AM  
Blogger Ar Ar Ar Arrrrr said...

Where art thou??

I hope that stupid lizard has nothing to do with your sudden disappearance :D

9:02 AM  
Blogger Raj said...

Your Do you wonder sometimes post was beautiful :)

3:19 PM  
Blogger Sudarshan said...

Time for a new post :-)

10:24 PM  
Blogger Jewel Rays said...

Haha that was a fun read *smiles* I came to check out ya potrait done by AFK and i tot it was real nice. A well done one i should say and on top of that i enjoyed the post and ya style of writing..

Cheers and Smiles!

1:46 PM  

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