All Smiles!
I am happy today, I am jumping and I don’t even have a reason why. Could it be that since it is Wednesday and there are just two more days to go before the weekend? I just don’t know why but I just am. Last two days I was being really grumpy and dull and all of a sudden voila I am smiling. I am still wondering why. There is this voice in my head “trouble is brewing”.
Haven’t you noticed when you are very happy something goes wrong? So I am a little apprehensive about the fact that I am “all smiles” today. I am feeling jumpy can’t sit at my desk for long, before I got hopping and skipping to the next bay to Sow and Vee’s place or go hopping to Moush’s place.
Well I really do not wanna dwell deeper into this boost of happiness so I am gonna enjoy it while it lasts. It would probably last till I get my phone bill.
"There is this voice in my head trouble is brewing”."
tell the little voice to keep quiet. :) its good to be all smiles so, dont go feeling all weird about it. keep shmiling.
nothings aplenty,
Yes ma'am. :)
happy to know you're happy. rub it on to us, will ya? ;)
Enjoy it while it lasts...maybe no trouble will turn up..
Wish that were possible but alas it cannot be done. :)
I sure hope so.:)
Be happy! Don't worry about anything else! It's good to see you smiling!
A smiling face is a joy forever.
(just be careful not to over do it)
Yes mommy! (you just have to say it dont ya?)
Rocking...happy people spread happiness all around! :)
Hey Ramblings, dont ponder too much:) Just enjoy each and every moment as it comes!
You bet. :)
aye aye captain! :D
I like people who jump in happiness...coz thts wht I do too..and mom thinks that Im growing retard :)
Haven’t you noticed when you are very happy something goes wrong?
Yeah...MOM faints on the spot. Damn, thats moer scary ..
Just kidding...Ma weekends gonna start from tomorow..coz no project work and then I can leave early from office for Mumbai...
My Dil goes....mmm..mmmm..mmmmm
I dont know why am I singing that...I'm not happy either...
Retard? :)
My parents think the same. Well actually its more like "did she get exchanged in the hospital? Thats not our child."
Sing that song you just might get the happy feeling. Or is love in the air? ;)
Long weekend huh? Lucky you!
Have fun. :)
me too have troble with the lil voice..i beatit down it becomes bigger....
I think it becomes bigger because we are paying more and more attention to it. Ignore it, thats your best bet. :) And happy new year.
Little voice ermm naaah , for me it's been always "white devil" and "red devil",yes both of 'em are devil ..SIGH!Poor 'me
Are you still jumping??
or you receieved the phone bill....
I guessed coz of the silence for 2 days :)
Am I growing smart or its the effect of new Jeans Im wearing today?? I hafta find out...
jump jump jump :)
ah its the best feeling in the world when we can smile and be happy for no special reason other then just feel like being happy :D
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