Introduction please!!
The most irritating question being: “Do you have a boy friend??” (since when did that fit into "tell me something abt yourself??") Ya, well I have loads can’t really count them on my fingers you know!! Dumb nutcases!! If you say no, they go like you don’t? How come?? Jeez!!! And if you say yes, they want to know all about him. Like I am telling you!!
But this whole introduce yourself is really getting on my nerves, its almost like I have mugged it all up now and it comes out real quick all readymade answers. I feel like a parrot sometimes…saying the same thing over n over n over.
I am off for two days…yay!!! Finally some sleep will come my way. :D
Ohhh poor soul!!
Wait...I'll give u tried and tested remedy for this -
Just print out all the questions (commonly asked like your name, family background, pets, number of bf's, details about them, etc..etc...etc..) and hand it ova to people who cross beyond brief intro. In this way, you are politely taking care of em...innit??
When I moved here to my new location, people usually usd to ask a lot of things, individually...thts when I made a note about myself, which was like the size of cambridge dictionary coz I gave detailed detail info about myself :D
Chill out!!!
and peace out too!!
Don't know what to say! Pretty girls have to live with things like this, I guess :P
Don't you kill me for saying this!
nice idea but I would probably get throttled by them seniors and captains. :P
Fine I wont kill you for that...would just come over n bonk you on the head :P
it happens..!
Just ask the same stuff back..and that'ill be the last thing anybody wanted to know about you..unless its the aunty next door who also doubles as the local broadcasting corporation
Heyyyyyyylo, nice to see that you are posting despite your schedules!!!
BTW, are you sure nobody is reading this? ;)
Hey how u doin..rem me!!
Been away from bloggin since a long time..
reminds me of the times when i used to go for interviews.. no wot u mean wen u say u feel like a parrot..
my condition was, even if u wake me in the middle of night n ask me tell me somethin abt urself.. i could say word for word.. :)
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